Wednesday, January 6 & Thursday, January 7

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In 1993, I spent the year writing in a blank datebook from 1954. Now, in 2010, I'm posting each page on the web and writing about it. You may want to start at the beginning.

January 6-7

When I was a junior, I tried to date a fellow actor who was, it turned out, only temporarily broken up with her boyfriend. The boyfriend happened to be one of the senior lead actors and a wrestler.1 He was a very possessive and jealous guy, so I ended up blackballed among the theater cool kids for most of junior year. It sucked, but I didn't have it as bad as the next guy who tried to date her got -- not only was he on the cool kids' shit list, but Mr. Jealousy wrote nasty things on his lawn with gasoline, which brought down his parents' wrath as well.

Anyway, the theater trip I'm referring to here is the Illinois High School Theater Association annual theater festival. More on that in a couple pages.

Nice fable from my friend Mike, explaining who the "they" in "they say..." is.

Regarding the Hitler comment: President George Bush's New World Order speech was recent history, so learning this factoid seemed relevant, I'm sure.

What "Truth or Dave" meant: I had a friend named Dave H. who sometimes got a little too enthusiastic about stuff. One time, we were playing Truth or Dare with a bunch of friends in my basement, and Dave kept trying to encourage people to pick Dare -- particularly the girls in the group. He got so worked up about it (in an endearing, amusing way), and was so happy to suggest crazy dares for people to do when the questioner couldn't come up with a good one, that we started calling the game "Truth or Dave" among our friends in his honor. He wasn't on this trip, and I think we may have been playing it on the bus ride down to Bloomington, so no Dave and no dares.

1. Yes, both an actor and a wrestler; it was a weird quirk, but there were several guys in theater who also wrestled at my school. I was one of them, sort of -- I wrestled freshman year, then got into theater sophomore year.

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About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Andrew Huff published on January 6, 2010 10:23 PM.

Monday, January 4 & Tuesday, January 5 was the previous entry in this blog.

Friday, January 8 & Saturday, January 9 is the next entry in this blog.

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