Mario's real name was Marjan. He went by Mario because nobody in Ohio could ever pronounce his Macedonian name right -- which was sort of like "Mahd-yahn." I was able to pronounce it correctly, which meant I was alright in his book.
My Mother's Creation was my sort-of-cousin Donny's band (he was the grandson of my step-grandmother, so we just thought of ourselves as cousins). He was a senior at OSU when I was a freshman, and he sang in the band. I took a bunch of friends to see him one night, and my friends were instant fans. (It helped that Don and one of the guitarists were really good looking -- the girls all swooned.) The band was really good; I bought their tape that night, I think.
My uncle Tom lived in Newark, Ohio, just outside Columbus, and I got to know him pretty well throughout school. He's a programmer, and back then he was mostly nocturnal, so we kept similar hours.
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