I spent the last couple days just before school furiously packing. I seem to remember bringing a ridiculous amount of stuff with me -- tons of clothes and random other things I really shouldn't have bothered with. It meant doing a lot of packing, and I think I ended up sending some of what I brought home with my family.
Oh Brooke. I guess she did end up calling my brother a lot; I had no idea they hung out much after I left, but Pete told me they did.
As I've already written, I was a real jerk when it came to Brooke and a lot of my high school friends. Once I got to college I just didn't stay in touch the way I should have. I feel bad about it, but it's hard staying in touch when you're hundreds of miles away, in a totally different, fast-paced environment. Still, I should have been better about being in touch.
Pete's "bad foot" -- foreshadowing!
My last date with Melissa before leaving. I thought that dinner was so classy -- turkey, swiss and dijon mustard on a croissant seemed pretty special to me, and certainly the best I could do within my budget. I had scouted out the location for our picnic, but probably should have chosen a bit more wisely. It was neat being near the water, hidden in the woods, but the ground was bumpy and there were mosquitos and it was still warm enough for there to be people out partying on their boats, so it wasn't as tranquil as I hoped.
It was good enough, though, and I spent most of the time we were down there telling Meilissa how much I loved her and how I wished we could just get married right then. We talked about how we would handle our long distance relationship, too. She felt we should go ahead and date other people -- she wanted me to feel like I could experience college to its fullest, and she too should have the normal high school experience rather than worrying about a boyfriend in college. I saw her point logically, but couldn't bare the thought of us not being together. So in spite of her better judgment, we agreed to remain a couple.
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