I went to see Joy Luck Club as part of an assignment for English; Molly, who was a local, drove me and a couple of our classmates to a theater on the north side to see it. I really enjoyed the movie, and it affected me strongly at the time -- I'm a sucker for sappy movies -- but I found that its emotional depth didn't stick with me over time. I wrote my essay on that fade, and my prof wasn't enthused. I think if I'd gone farther with it, I might have done OK, but I didn't have time to get deep.
I'm sure Chris and I didn't just hang out in his room when we got back to his dorm. His was the dorm I really wanted, and I liked practically everybody I met there.
I made sure to make it to the homecoming game. Even if you're not much of a sports fan, there's nothing like being in the middle of a packed stadium like that. The Buckeyes played well, and I imagine I went out to the bars or something to celebrate.
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