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Tuesday, November 30 & Wednesday, December 1

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About this site:
In 1993, I spent the year writing in a blank datebook from 1954. Now, in 2010, I'm posting each page on the web and writing about it. You may want to start at the beginning.

1954: November 30-December 1

Yes, another lost day. My enthusiasm for 1954 was obviously waning, partly because my depression was increasing (or waxing, if you like), but also because I found that my friends had less interest in chronicling college in this fashion. I think if I'd been in Bradley Hall, the honors dorm I transferred to for the rest of the year, from the beginning it would have been more accepted and embraced, but I was definitely alone in the book at the Stadium.

Technically another lost day, but the page was "annexed" by Dec. 28 when Jill, Brandon, Suzanne and I ran out of room. Most of this is just quote-of-the-day type stuff, but I love Suzanne's little cartoon. "Skrudland" was the fictional country of exile that any personas non grata were sent to. It was named after a photography supply store in Palatine whose name we thought sounded like an unpleasant Scandinavian country.

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