Wednesday, November 10 & Thursday, November 11

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About this site:
In 1993, I spent the year writing in a blank datebook from 1954. Now, in 2010, I'm posting each page on the web and writing about it. You may want to start at the beginning.

1954: November 10-11

I don't recall why I went home -- I think it was just because I was depressed and wanted to -- and could afford it. Southwest cost just $40 round trip back then, because they had just started flying between Midway and Columbus. Why I didn't do it more often, I have no idea -- I probably could have been home nearly every other weekend, whether I stayed at my parents' or not.

A lost day, apparently. I'm sure plenty happened, even if I never left Yvette's.

You know, it's funny -- I never listened to WBNS, yet I have these stickers...

About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Andrew Huff published on November 10, 2010 10:51 PM.

Monday, November 8 & Tuesday, November 9 was the previous entry in this blog.

Friday, November 12 & Saturday, November 13 is the next entry in this blog.

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